Zip Lock Bags: The Closure Mechanism
The wonderful thing about zip lock bags is that they can be used more then one time, which makes those that have purchased them feel like they are getting their money’s worth as well being an environmentally friendly product. Any item that can be reused numerous times is considered environmentally friendly, particularly when the plastic that makes up the item, such as the thermoplastics that are the usual materials for plastics bags, are able to be melted down and remanufactured too. The part of the zip lock bag that allows it to be used more then once is the closing mechanism.
There are two major styles of closing mechanisms utilized in zip lock bag manufacturing. One is an interlocking mechanism that involves edges of plastic on the top of the bag that click together, closing the bag. The seal is tight enough to keep air and moisture out as well as keeping the product within the bag from falling out. The other locking mechanism is known as a slide-lock closure, which does the same thing as an interlocking closure except the clicking together happens because of a sliding piece attached at the top rather then the pressing together of the two edges with fingertips. The same benefits result from using a slide-lock closure as a interlocking mechanism.
Regardless of how the zip lock bag closes, the fact that it is such a secure plastic bag means it is prized in a number of applications. Residential use of zip lock bags is prevalent, for the storage of food and random household items. Commercial use of zip lock bags is also common, from in store activities like holding cash and receipts to the packaging of certain types of products on the shelves. Some specialty contexts, such as museums, prize zip lock bags because of the level of protection the offer old and treasured items and the plastic bags are therefore used in archiving. In the industrial setting, zip lock bags are also used for storage and occasionally for shipping items as well.