The Swimming Goggle Components
As a kid as well as a teenager, I loved to swim, and participated in a number of swimming related activities. During grade school I was on our neighborhood swim team, and once I got into middle school I discovered the joys and struggles of synchronized swimming. Although some may scoff at this sport as simple water dancing, the physical stamina required to practice synchronized swimming is intense. During our 4 to 5 minute routines, we are never allowed to touch the bottom of the pool, which means we are constantly working to keep our arms, legs or torsos out of the water while retaining a sense of effortlessness and grace. This is not an easy fete. Both of these experiences gave me a grave appreciation for swimming goggles, the elements of which are fascinating.
The lenses of goggles are made from sturdy and clear plastic that is usually tinted for clear vision underwater. The straps are made from flexible rubber, manufactured thin so that they remain light. The straps are also designed with plastic adjustable elements to allow for a swimmer to fit them perfectly to their own head. What I always appreciated most about goggles where the silicone gaskets that kept them suctioned to my face, keeping the water securely out. When competitively practicing the breast stroke or making sure I didn’t hit my teammates while executing a ballet leg, the clear and waterless vision was vital, and it was thanks to silicone gaskets that it was possible. Silicone gaskets in particular were always my favorite, more so then the rubber gaskets which were more comfortable but less reliable as far as keeping all the water out. Because silicone is able to resist UV rays and ozone cracking better then natural rubber, it is a material that makes a longer lasting goggle gasket, especially when the goggles are used outdoors. They are also highly resistant to chemical corrosion, which is very helpful when swimming in over-chlorinated pools.