Plastic vs Glass Test Tubes

Small plastic tubes have many different uses, both in the home and in industrial settings. One use for plastic tubes is in the scientific industry, where plastic tubes are replacing some traditional glass test tubes. Not all small plastic tubes can replace glass test tubes, but there are some uses where plastic tubes have advantages over traditional glass tubes. Consider the following benefits that plastic test tubes can bring to the scientific industry:
Inexpensive: The cost of manufacturing plastic tubes is much less than that of glass tubes. Plastic tube molding is a simple process that can be completed thousands of times in an hour. Glass tubes take much longer to make and are much more expensive.
Difficult to break: Plastic tubes are much harder to break than glass tubes. Dropping a plastic tube usually will not break the plastic. If a stopper is in the plastic tube, then dropping it will keep the contents safe.
Safe disposal: Glass test tubes can shatter and have sharp edges after disposal. Disposing of plastic tubes is easier, because plastic is safer and cannot cut anyone, giving them exposure to chemicals or other contaminants.
Kid safe: One of the ideal uses for plastic test tubes is in a school setting. Children cannot break plastic tubes, which makes them ideal for using in younger grade science classes. Even high school students can benefit from the additional safety of plastic tubes for materials that will not eat through plastic.
Of course, plastic test tubes are not always the best choice. Some materials will eat through plastic. Glass tubes can also be heated safely, and will not melt under most flames. However, when is it possible to use plastic instead of glass, it is often better to switch to plastic for the additional safety and price features.