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Kevlar Rope: When You Need Rope with Super Hero Strength

Stronger than steel and able to stop a speeding bullet? Maybe Superman was made of Kevlar. No word on it’s resistance to kryptonite, but the material that is used in bullet proof vests does seem to have super strength- a high tensile-strength-to-weight ratio which is five times that of steel. The combination of this kind of strength along with its flexibility make Kevlar one of the most ideal materials for cables, cords and ropes. And when it comes to Kevlar rope, the possibilities and applications are nearly endless. There is even a market for Kevlar survival cord, which is thread-thin and is a suggested item for “survival geeks.” The ad definitely takes a humorous approach, but highlights the many ways in which Kevlar cord offers superior performance and durability(even in the harshest of post-apocalyptic environments). Of course, Kevlar rope is used most often in industrial applications for those same reasons. Let’s take a look at some of those applications and why Kevlar rope is ideal for each specific role.

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